Texas Chess Affiliates, Clubs and Organizations

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We're a chess club for all ages & most skill levels. We love chess, and we want to share it with you.
Providing places for youth and adults to play and learn about chess. We have multiple meet-ups for chess around Arlington. Some are focused on adult players; some are focused on children; and some are focused on both.
The Austin Chess Club meets on Saturday afternoons, 3:00pm-9:00pm. Attendance is open to anyone wishing to meet others and play casual chess games in person. We have separate skittles (casual chess) and tournament play rooms, so we run a rated tournament at the same time as hosting casual play.

Participation in our United States Chess Federation (USCF) rated tournaments requires USCF membership and an entry fee.
Blakeman Chess was created in an effort to bring higher quality chess tournaments to local areas. Our focus is to make chess overall more enjoyable by creating a greater atmosphere.
Our mission is to better the communities we serve by providing a complete chess education in a positive and nourishing environment.

By making chess accessible, we hope to empower children and adults alike with the tools that will increase their level of academic performance, decision making, and leadership. We believe that the seeds we plant today will create a better world tomorrow.
Our goal is to help San Antonio be a chess capital and give students an opportunity to grow and play this important game.
Chess 4 Days a Week
USCF Rated Events
Tuesday Swiss G/90;d5
Casual Thursday/Blitz/USCF 2X Swiss
Saturday Scholastic Lessons
Saturday Rated Quads
Weekly Sunday Swiss G60;d5
Tournaments, classes, and school programs. Locations in Plano, Irving, Frisco, and Carrollton Texas.
The Chess Club at University of Houston is dedicated to growing the Chess community on campus. We aim is to accomplish this through our numerous events and comfortable space for people to simply play chess.

We meet multiple times per week, in order to allow as many people to come. Moreover, we host special events every few weeks, where we offer free snacks. And in our journey, we have also come to collaborate with other universities every semester. We offer a wide variety of activities and opportunities, and we would be happy to have you participate.
We are a smaller club always looking for more chess players. It doesn't matter if you're a new player or an experienced player, we're always glad to have people passionate about chess come to our events. We like to have rated tournaments on a regular basis mixed in with some casual meetups weekly.

Meetup Information
We currently meet up on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month from 7:15-9:00pm at Crestview Church of Christ Community Center.

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